Maasai Development Project

The Maasai Development Project Blog will be used by members to post updates particularly while on trips to Kenya. Here you can view these posts and make comments.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Miracle or Coincidence - You Decide - As For Me I Know It was a Miracle!

It has been over a year now and no one could find the problem with the shimming and shaking of our vehicle, progressively getting worse. This week,it became so bad that it was difficult to keep it on the road, this time with an added noise from the front end.

Last Saturday, when Ogecha and I went out to KMQ, it was so bad that we had to keep the vehicle at a very low speed, at one point almost being rear ended by a large truck not able to slow down quick enough.

Two days later, I was driving to Nairobi for a meeting I was to attend. The shaking was so bad I could hardly hang on to the steering wheel. I noticed several people motioning to keep down the speed. I wondered why they were signaling me. Could it have been God's way to make me aware to keep the speed down?

Later that day,MDP Administrator, Ogoti Kenani, looked under the front end and found that the bracket to the chassis and steering mechanism was broken. How long had we driven the vehicle with the bracket broken? At least since Saturday. Another miracle and evidence of God's mighty power and protective hand over us. We should not have had any steering at all. Evidently it had been cracked, but in the last week had broken completely. What kept us on the road? Who held it together for us? Truly a miracle!


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