Oct 22 Monday

After breakfast (toast with peanut butter and fresh mangos on it) we headed out towards Kajiado again, but this time turned on a little dirt road just before Kajiado and headed out to Mashuru to visit Gracie! Now some of you might not know Gracie - so let me update you. Gracie was found by the road side about 3 yrs ago. She was two years old, her feet were badly burned and infected. Her mother had abandoned the children and Gracie's grandmother was atempting to raise her. MDP workers picked up Gracie and her grandmother and took them both to hospital. After they were released MDP placed Gracie in the care of a MDP Adult Lit. Teacher's mother. About a year ago Gracie's grandmother died of AIDS.
We drove for almost 1 1/2 on a very dusting, bumpy road before come to a small town. We crossed a dried river bed and found two small school boys walking home that knew where Gracie lived. We continued down the road for awhile, then the boys told us to pull off the road and follow the cow path..... which we did, until the truck could go no further. Our driver got out of the car and walked with the school boys the rest of the way while Jan and I bird watched near the vehicle. Soon out of now where, along the little cow path came Gracie and her caretaker.
At first Gracie was afraid and appeared worried that we were going to take her back where she had come from, but they assured her we were here just to visit and bring her two new dresses, a Bible and a teddy bear. It was not long before she was smiling and eager to play. She has grown so big and her feet are completly healed. She is in Nursery School now and is doing well.
It was awesome to spend sometime with her and realize how far she has come - thanks to all of you who make a difference by sponsoring children. I believe with my whole heart that God is using MDP to make a difference one child at a time!
*The name Gracie was given to her because if it had not been for the grace of God she would not be alive today!