Maasai Development Project

The Maasai Development Project Blog will be used by members to post updates particularly while on trips to Kenya. Here you can view these posts and make comments.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Constantly Learning

Constantly Learning

This trip like no other has been a challenge in that I have been house/office bound for all but about 3 days of this trip. If you have been keeping up on our blogs you know that in March on our way home from work in the Mara that our Rear Differential froze up. Our lives were spared when Ogecha our driver thought he heard something in the diesel line and while slowing the vehicle down to check it suddenly the Diff froze. Had we been going the usual 120 clicks through that stretch of road, I most likely would not be writing today.

The first Sabbath after arrival in May, the vibration of our vehicle became so bad that we had a difficult time keeping it on the road. When MDP Administrator, Ogoti Kenani looked under the front end he found that the bracket holding the steering mechanism and the chassis completely broken. Again, this was another miracle on the road.

At first I didn’t mind the inconvenience as I had so much to do in the office, knowing that by the end of the second week I should be back in the field. (Our vehicle is a 1994 PRADO, while it is a well made vehicle, it is aging and not able to keep up with the challenges of the roads we are forced to travel to get to our MDP stations.) However, after the bracket was fixed, there was yet another vibration, this time coming from the gear box. Back to the shop the vehicle went. I have to admit I was beginning to feel a bit irritable; after all, I had planned to get to all the schools in both Kajiado and Narok districts where we sponsor children and spend time in Siana where we are building the Rescue and Education Center. In addition to that I planned to spend Sabbaths on visitations with our MDP workers.

Like I said for the first two weeks I could handle being housebound because of the amount of office work that faced me, this is not uncommon, but now I was beginning to get cabin fever REAL BAD! I hadn’t even been able to go to church. I am learning that there are times that God uses incidences such as this to say, “Slow down, come and rest awhile.” This has been one of those times. Now I had much more time to spend in God’s Word and in study time. I am doing a study called “Breaking Free” and God is teaching me a lot. Suddenly I am no longer housebound, I am God bound, with lots of time for sweet communion with HIM. It’s been a time of self evaluation; reflection on the work God has given us to do with MDP, a time to examine my motives and priorities within the work and in my personal life. He is helping me discover many of the footholds that Satan uses to influence me and take my hold off of Jesus. Wow, is that ever sobering!

Two nights ago, I woke up at 3:00 not able to sleep; tossing and turning, agitated because I was not going to be able to do any of the field work I wanted to accomplish and felt that I needed to do, specifically on this trip. Finally I prayed, “Father, please show me what your plan is and why I have had to spend all my time at the house this trip.” I tossed and turned some more, feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins and feeling very stressed. Suddenly, clear as a bell I heard, “You were planning to do all the right things for all the wrong reasons.” (Paraphrased) Specifics began to come to my mind, as I thought about it; I had to admit that it was all correct. As I faced each issue one by one, my heart was lifted to heaven and while seeking God’s forgiveness the stress began subsiding, my heart stopped pounding in my ears and I could feel my whole being relax. Kind of like snuggling into my Father’s arms after being disciplined and letting Him reassure me of His love.

Yesterday, I faced another disappointment, but… I felt so strangely calm (especially for me) and like “OK, if that is the way it has to be, there is a reason, God knows what is best.”

I am now ending my last week before leaving for the states, my vehicle is sitting in the driveway with yet another vibration no one can find a reason for but prevents us from driving normal speeds. Therefore I’m not able to take the trip out to see our children in Siana and get pictures of the building progress. I’m still in the office working, but guess what? I am thanking God for the broken down vehicle that causes all of us at MDP so much frustration and inconvenience. I’m praising Him for the time of rest and communion with Him. I’m thanking Him for His incredible mercy; grace and love that He is show me and how to have complete freedom in Jesus while breaking free from the bondages of Satan.

Does the work still need to be done that I was unable to do this trip? Yes, but I’ve turned it back over to God, knowing that His timing is always perfect. I’ll be back in July and that work will be done somehow. In the end I wouldn’t trade this trip for any other trip because of the lessons that God is lovingly teaching me. Please remember all of us at MDP in your prayers. Maasai Development Project is not run by just one or two people, but it is a growing team! From our 38 Lay Pastors and Literacy Teachers in the field, our 2 District Coordinators, our dedicated Administrator, Driver and Guards, Matron, Cook, Building Contractors and Building Crew in Kenya, to our staff in America: Celeste, Gwen, Elreen, Alexa, Lynette, and Marlin.

This morning I was listening to a song by Selah called “Sweet Jesus”. I had to listen to it a couple of times just to let the words soak into my being. I would like to share that song with you from Utube: If you enjoy that song, you will also like “You Raise Me Up”, Enjoy and have a blessed day.

I look forward to more adventures with God in July when Marlin and I join Gwen and the other Mission Trip Participants for the Medical/Dental Mission Trip. If you would like to participate in the July or October mission trips, please contact Gwen Edwards at .

Jan Meharry


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