Maasai Development Project

The Maasai Development Project Blog will be used by members to post updates particularly while on trips to Kenya. Here you can view these posts and make comments.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Another grand day! Today we went over Ngong Hills and down into the Great Rift Valley to visit a little Maasai Church and do clinics village by village. The ladies ay church did several special musics and the children did some as well. I was so surprised to see two of our lay pastors there - they were on their way from campmeeting up on the hill to our clinic tomorrow near Magadi. We did a quick clinic after church and then headed to our first little village.

There must have been 50 children at the first group of homes. We treated a old lady and they had a 40 year old man that was very sick and could not even come outside. It was tough on the doctors to leave him there without being able to help him. He was VERY sick and they were not sure if it was TB or AIDS. One of the doctors is going to pay for him to be taken to a clinic nearby and be tested to see if it is something that can be treated.

Today we were told of a 11 year old Maasai girl that had been circumcised 4 days ago that bled to death. The family did not take her to hospital because they new that they would be taken to jail. The police found out and have exhumed the body and taken pictures etc. It is such a sad thing. It is a great reminder of what we are here for and the importance of the work that needs to be done in this area of the world.

We gave out medicines, toys, sugar and brought jugs of water to those who had to walk miles for it. It was a a great day with lots of blessings packed into it.

We got home a little earlier then planned so had some down time and actually got a hot shower. After worship we went over the plans for tomorrow - we are expecting quite a number of people at the clinic. Everyone headed back to their rooms to email and download pictures before heading to bed. A lot of them are worn out and in need of a good nights sleep. Seems like several of the group woke up at 3am this morning and struggled getting back to sleep. I suggested doing the clinics at that time of night, but they opted not too.

So it's time to sign off till tomorrow evening. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. God is blessing in amazing ways.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Kim, Thanks for your work. We appreciate the stories, and said a prayer for you and the ministry team. May God be with you in a special way. With love, Beverly T.

August 30, 2008 at 3:32 PM  
Blogger Kim DeWitt said...

Thanks Beverly - sometimes I wonder if anyone reads the blog, so it did my heart good to get this note from you! We are having a wonderful time and it is all because people like you are lifting us up in prayer

August 31, 2008 at 1:22 PM  

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