Friday - Clinic at Siana and Ground Breaking Ceremony
As the sun rose we ate breakfast and had worship then loaded up for a few hours of viewing the wildlife on our way to clinic at Siana Primary Boarding School. The sun was warm, and the hot air balloons were rising into the sky.
The lay workers that had translated for us traveled with us today through the park - they had a great time standing up looking out of the top of the truck - they felt like tourists for the morning! SMILE
Clinic started right on time and we had many students that came to be seen. Our first visitor at clinic was a little child that had been hit in the eye with a stone. Blood was streaming down his face like tears. Once the eye was cleaned up we could see that there was no damage to the eyeball itself, just a cut on the edge of the skin by the eye. It was once again a busy day for all areas of the clinic.
At 2:45pm we closed clinic up in order to make it to the special ground breaking ceremony for the new hostel. They bused a group of children from Siana Primary Boarding School over to the ceremony (those that are sponsored through MDP were part of the group). The site looks great, and the fence is fabulous. I am sure Jan or Celeste will share on the blog about the site and the ceremony so won't go into too much detail, other then to say it was a honor to be a part of it and have the mission group participants there to join in. The children from Siana are so very excited about having a place to call home!
After the ceremony we headed back to Game Trackers Campsite - supper was ready, showers were hot, and the fire was lit. We welcomed in the Sabbath hours around the fire with worship and then headed to bed. Our last clinic was done - and all of were ready for the rest that only Sabbath can offer.
Happy Sabbath to all -
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